Our Springs. Our Responsibility.
We all depend on clean, sustainable water. To ensure the springs’ natural resources are there for the next generations to enjoy, we encourage you to be a leader in protecting these waters today. As a member of the community, you can take simple steps to make them healthy, sustainable and accessible for all those who seek to use them. Our springs face many challenges. Together with residents, government and industry, we are making progress. The water quality of our springs is a shared responsibility. Treat them with respect, and this natural resource will prosper.

Let’s Dive In

Who is SRWMD?
Managing Water
The Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD) manages water and related natural resources throughout a 15-county region. The #SpringsDiveIn campaign highlights how you can help us preserve and protect water quality in our springs. We invite you to learn more about water quality and pledge to make easy changes in your life and community. We continue to discuss the issues, challenges and solutions facing our springs while educating on their importance as an environmental and economic driver for our area.
Together with YOU, we will minimize and mitigate pollution of our 450+ beautiful springs.
Who is SRWMD?
Managing Water
The Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD) manages water and related natural resources throughout a 15-county region. The #SpringsDiveIn campaign highlights how you can help us preserve and protect water quality in our springs. We invite you to learn more about water quality and pledge to make easy changes in your life and community. We continue to discuss the issues, challenges and solutions facing our springs while educating on their importance as an environmental and economic driver for our area.
Together with YOU, we will minimize and mitigate pollution of our 450+ beautiful springs.